Memorandum of cooperation with Association of Agricultural producers of the Luhansk region
Memorandum of cooperation between Association of Agricultural producers of the Luhansk region, the Group of Companies “Sodruzhestvo” and PU “Baltic-Black Sea Economic Forum” was signed on the 19th of June 2018 on the territory of Embassy of Lithuanian Republic in Ukraine.
Signing of the mentioned memorandum formalized the fact of accession of Luhansk region to the project of creation of new transport corridor from Klaipeda port on the Baltic Sea through Belarus territory, Black Sea ports of Kherson and Trabzon, Georgia territory to Azerbaijan port in Baku on the Caspian Sea.
As the Head of Luhansk region State Administration Yuriy Harbuz noted – “This event is not only demonstration that Luhansk region is not abandoned to the utmost but the fact testifies real perspectives of renewal and successful development.
Entry of Luhansk regions into this international project open cardinally new perspectives for representatives of business of our region, form road map of ensuring of effective development of economy of our and Kherson regions, implementation of joint international projects.”